The Headpiece is The New Flower Crown

Move Over Flower Crown...

45ed0e42cb0c5f137bf1c0d18e17508829bab650c6b44fec4db9bd41f29e33a3081d1235b1fcd2fcc7a511bdc80d21b33e71d8c2e83bd22078099b067dc6be2dee7756056b30f6933d17b3c5959374357f6bae14a69b583422454b2d6b5a337d9f75a243246a1cd054fe37b05d537f801feccc1fc377f72d07ce5de649971fbeb This festival season...there's a new kid on the block. Well...she's not so new, more like reinvented. The headpiece has been around for centuries, now she's just a little more modern. This accessory has always been a sign of elegance and beauty, and today the reputation remains the same! We are obsessing over this look for festival season because the flower crown has been a desert staple for many seasons now, and we feel like it's time for a new accessory to have its moment! We love flower crowns, they're beautiful and natural...we just like to move fashion forward and think you babes should have the latest and greatest. Speaking of latest and greatest...our lookbook Festival Magnetism features our current favorite headpiece from Child of Wild. It's opulent, extravagant, and over-the-top in the best way possible. Our Festival Magnetism girl isn't afraid of making a fact, she prefers to make one. Don't you agree? I mean, festival season is about having fun, being adventurous, and feeling beautiful. Who's with me? We recently took to our Pinterest page for some more headpiece inspiration and feel more amped about this trend than ever!! I mean...who doesn't want jewels dripping from their head all day? A little sparkle never hurt anyone. Try this trend and you'll be a guaranteed showstopper this season... XOXO, Alex  

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