Summer blogger series: VDV X KAITLYNN CARTER

How did you first get into blogging? I moved to LA and wanted to write. Someone suggested I start a blog to keep my friends and family back east posted on what I was up to. I had a lot of fun doing it and once I was able to make some money too it became my full time thing!
What inspired you to start your blog? Really just wanting to write. I had a blog years ago when I studied in Italy, so the whole concept was very familiar to me, but in the past I hadn't had much of an audience to write for. I love that now I get to inspire people to travel or give helpful tips here and there! It's fun for me to share through writing.
What is your favorite thing to blog about? Travel, by far. I could go on for hours and hours, even days maybe, with hotel, restaurant, and sightseeing suggestions. Sometimes I think I should be a travel agent because I even enjoy the process of finding and booking flights for other people!
Favorite thing to do in your spare time? I like to hang at the beach and play with my dogs!
Who is your style icon? Sienna Miller and Kate Bosworth are both favorites. Effortless, feminine, a little boho.
How do you describe your own personal style? Well, I want it to be like Kate and Sienna's!! It's evolving, but I would say it's really my own, which I like.
What is the hardest part about having a blog? Keeping up with all the content you have to create! It takes an entire day to put together a post that takes your readers 2 minutes to read, and then they instantly want more. It's more than a full time job!
Favorite part about blogging? Being my own boss and getting to be creative with the content.
What’s your next fashion must have? I need to stock up on more hats and scarves!!